Saturday, October 28, 2006

Third Octopus

8x10 oil/panel


james harvey said...

Great job.
Keep up the good work. This can't be easy subject, but it looks like you are passionate about it.

Chuck Law said...

Thankyou for commenting James. I've always had a thing for octopus. I suppose it does take passion to keep painting these things that seem to give most people the shivers.

Chuck Law said...

Thanks Grainne, the wet sliminess of these little animals lends itself well to oil paint. I don't eat the ones I paint, this last one started to smell just a bit by the time I was finished.
Sometimes I do mix up some tempura batter, chop em up and and deep fry these babys into a delightful calamari dish.

Pilan said...

I must voice the same compliments. This last one really looked slimy and I could almost smell it. What a tedious subject. You've convinced me. What a great way to push yourself with.

Anonymous said...

The color combinations are great!
I like the round shape of the plate juxaposed to the octopi

craigstephens said...

Chuck, keep going with the dead critters if that's what floats your boat. They look great! It's hard enough painting every day without trying to second guess what subjects everyone else will like!