OK I saw this last bearded Iris in my garden and just knew I had to do one for Katherine Tyrrell's Georgia O'Keefe Month on Making a Mark. I only had an hour to do this before going out, so I know it lacks the fine modelling of an O'Keefe....plus she wouldn't have that dark background! Still it was fun and the aroma of the iris was wonderfully intense while I did the painting. Georgia is one of my favorite Artists. Her landscape paintings were a major influence back in highschool. I like many of her contemporaries also, it's one of my favorite periods in American art. I did a bone and feather painting last fall thas was a direct homage to "OK" as well.
Chuck, this is very OK and lovely. The gesture of the strokes is very nice.
That's really beautiful Chuck!
Chuck - gorgeous - and i am so flattered!
I'll list the link to this on my blog in the post tomorrow.
BTW did you know Georgia liked painting shells?
Thanks for the comments Jo, Craig and Katherine. Gee I'm sitting here and I just looked over and realized I've been spelling O'Keeffe with one "F" for several days now. I think I'll just let it
go....not an easy thing for me! I'm surely aware of her shell paintings, Katherine. As I mentioned I have her 'catalogue raisonne' (probably misspelled that as well heheh)...I look at it often. Georgia took her shell collection to the southwest where she built a special table to hold and display them...then realized they just didn't fit out there. The same reason perhaps that I no longer keep my collection of pueblo pottery on display...tho I do still have a cow skull lurking in the far corner of my living room!
I wish I could make such a poem of a painting in an hour!
Thankyou for the very nice compoliment, Robyn. A painting like this doesn't happen that often for me. My last two attempts out in the garden I had to wipe off. Those failures are tough, but the occasional winner like this iris make it all worth while.
You have been blogged! ;) plus check out a film!
this is gorgeous and I love bearded irises :)
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