A wonderfully wild place. A blue heron, a red tailed hawk, a watersnake....all came by as I painted. I love working out in nature more than words can say. 14x11
The sun was almost directly overhead while I painted this. It visually flattened things out. I had to push the values somewhat and rely more on color to define the subjects. Every painting day outside is a learning experience. 8x10
I love this view, the first version was done two summers ago. Today the light was rather dull, but I felt it was interesting enough to give it a go. I'm sure I'll revisit the site again sometime. 10x8
I've painted on the side all my life. In 2005 I started painting full time. Starting with the trompe L'oeil series "Scatter Paintings" and small "Daily" paintings. In 2007 I made an about turn to plein air work and Landscape painting...a subject and style that still keeps me captivated 12 years later. This internet diary keeps track of my progress. Unless noted, all the paintings posted on this blog are for Sale. You can contact me at CLAW4JC@aol.com for pricing and billing information.