8x10 Same view but quite different from last October's version. I was going to destroy that first one, but I'm glad I kept it, makes for interesting comparisons.
Seashore Gardens Living Center in collaberation with the Noyes Museum hosted a Juried Art Show in celebration of Older Americans Month. My painting "March Storm Clearing" took the first place ribbon. Now I can buy my Judson's 9x12 pochade box in time for the plein air paint out in Millville next month. Yippee!!
This was my last painting before Mother's Day. Now everything is Green Green Green until the annuals kick in. Well... actually the Iris and Rhodo's are on the verge. If it ever stops raining I may try and catch em.
There was a huge storm here yesterday when I started this under painting. I was also in much physical pain from the exertions of Mother's Day. I'm hoping this piece will be good enough for the "Beneath the Surface" Signature Artist show at the Noyes Museum this coming August. We shall see. 18x24
9x12 Oak trees have a slightly autumnal look to them in early spring. My posting will be infrequent over the next week as I run into Mother's Day. I will probably not get a chance to paint from now until next Monday. Two paintings waiting to be photographed in the mean time.
I've painted on the side all my life. In 2005 I started painting full time. Starting with the trompe L'oeil series "Scatter Paintings" and small "Daily" paintings. In 2007 I made an about turn to plein air work and Landscape painting...a subject and style that still keeps me captivated 12 years later. This internet diary keeps track of my progress. Unless noted, all the paintings posted on this blog are for Sale. You can contact me at CLAW4JC@aol.com for pricing and billing information.