
Saturday, July 04, 2009

Grassy Sound/Closure

I'm not thrilled with the word "closure" but in this case it fits best. Every now and then a painting takes me hostage and Grassy Sound has certainly done so. I've repainted the entire thing at one point or another, I haven't let myself start any new large pieces until this one was done. Today I had the time to spend several uninterupted hours mending the areas I found irritating. It may never be one of my favorites, but I guess I liked it enough to keep going.


  1. Well, I think it is fabulous. If that is a right word. What sort of medium do you use on that one? Kat

  2. I used liquin this time. Usually I don't use any medium other then turpinoid. Liquin is semi glossy, great for glazing, and dries pretty fast. It wreaks havoc on my brushes though.

  3. I love your puddles and mud!!!! Really! I'd like to be able to do that. The whole scene is fascinating and interesting to roam around. Like, the fish-scale-like shingles(?), the old worn pier, the dried grasses, and the interesting mounds in the background....grass covered dunes? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the East Coast, forgive me if I don't know what it is.
