
Wednesday, February 28, 2007


An oil study of my partner Jack from several years ago. This March we will have been together 16 years!!
I've been working away on the large clam painting. Also two commissions...both birthday presents, so I won't post them here until after they get to where they're going.


  1. Congratulations on 16 years together! I really love the soft feel of the colors in this painting.

    I can't wait to see the clam painting finished. My son is obsessed with seashells (much like I was as a child) and he loves your shell paintings :-)

  2. Hi Alisha
    Thanks for stopping by. I remember that wonderful painting of your son at the Aquarium. When I was his age my goal was to grow up and work with Jaques Cousteau on board the Calypso. My parents said it used to dock at the port in Nice when we lived there. While I didn't turn out to be a marine biologist, my love for that is "marine" remains.
